A virtual meeting is a video chat or conference call session that takes place over the internet using a videoconferencing tool. This kind of meeting, sometimes referred to Zoom however, is actually a broader concept that includes other popular platforms such Microsoft Teams and Google Hangouts. Virtual meetings allow people from different locations to connect via audio and video. This cuts down on travel costs and allows people to work together regardless of their location.
The aim of a virtual meeting is to exchange ideas and discuss a topic whether it’s an internal discussion within the company or a workshop that is collaborative with a client. It’s crucial to keep the discussion on track and productive. The most productive meetings have a clear goal and agenda, so everyone is aware of what they are doing.
It’s vital that the moderator or speaker stays the discussion on track. It’s important to send out the invitations in advance so that attendees can ensure that they are ready for the meeting. You do not want your virtual meeting to be a waste of time and money. To avoid this, ensure that you have a reliable platform for meetings that provides high-quality audio and images. To avoid the re-sending of emails when deciding on a suitable moment, you can use tools like Doodle that enable people to indicate their availability quickly.
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