Secure Technologies and Data Storage

Secure technologies and data storage are essential to protect your organization’s most valuable data from natural disasters, hackers or accidental deletion. Storage solutions are crucial in ensuring that you can recover your data in the event of a disaster or a technical glitch. In the past, cybersecurity and data storage were often distinct issues, but today’s IT teams are increasingly adopting DevSecOps models that integrate application building with security and spread the responsibility for security across the entire enterprise.

Data storage is thus becoming an important area of concern for IT security and a key component of cybersecurity strategies. Effective data storage security decreases the chance of unauthorised data access, data tampering and ensures accountability.

Essentially, data storage security is based on three fundamental principles: integrity of data, data confidentiality and robust disaster recovery systems. The first principle is to ensure that data stored in storage is not damaged or altered in any way. This is usually accomplished through encryption of data that transforms visible data into an encoded format that can only be decrypted by the correct key.

To protect against data loss, experts suggest deploying data loss prevention (DLP) solutions that are able to detect and stop the attacks in their progress. A robust security strategy for networks is essential to ensure the security of data storage. This includes firewalls, antimalware defense, security gates and intrusion detection systems.

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